sOmeWhEre OnlY we KnOw

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday 17 May 2011

HePi TeAcHer's DaY, TEACHERS! =D

16 May is a special day for teachers.
It is still  not late for me to wish HAPPY TEACHER'S DAY tO all teachers out there.
Happy Teacher's Day to ME too.
I celebrated Teacher's Day for real this year as a real teacher, not a teacher trainee anymore.

My best first Teacher's Day present is this:

Thanx a lot to Fathil (NST) for this beautiful piece of writing and awesome pictures! It really made my day 

Here is another reason that makes me excited in celebrating my first Teacher's Day for real:

Thnx a lot to Fakri (Berita Harian) for this magnificent report! =D

All in all, being a TEACHER is not easy. Patience and passion in carrying the duty as a teacher will pay seeing  the pupils enjoy the lesson and have a change of behaviour from zero to something. Getting 'A' is not the ultimate goal...what I want my pupils to achieve is something valuable in terms of their knowledge and attitudes that will shape themselves in becoming somebody who respects everyone be it young or old and being respected by  others.

Thank you to all my teachers out there especially to my parents who are my very first TEACHERS!
Without all of you, I won't be able to reach this current stage of my life.


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